"Ils sont fous ces vegetalians!"

Talita Ⓥ Founder & CEO of Spire, Event Producer, Director. Fashion Model

Mary Ⓥ Hi, I’m a Vegan Artist, Model, Animal Lover

Kayla Marketing, Public Relations, Writer, Dog Lover

Cindy Ⓥ Vet med💉, 🌱Activism, Wilderness, Art, & Travel!

Svetlana Ⓥ Vegan Club Designer, Artist, Photographer, Animal Lover

Megan Ⓥ Plant Based Exhibitionist

Tony Mentor, Investor
Wonder how you can change the world with the minimum amount of effort and sacrifice? Used to think it was impossible until I realized that small things have a huge impact, such as changing my diet to plant-based foods and wearing a T-shirt with a vegan message! Here is a true story...
As I do most of the time, I was wearing one of my Vegan Club tees, to spread the Vegan word out. That day, I was wearing the one with a paper-size rectangle design, Actual Size of Hen Cage. I went out with a couple of my friends for lunch, and they wanted to go to a place that serves meat, to 'get their protein'. One of my pals wanted an omelet. We were ready to order, when suddenly he noticed the message on my shirt, then he looked at me with a sad face and told me he does not feel like having eggs anymore. I thought he was kidding, but he ordered a salad instead.
So go ahead, gear up, and be the change you want to see in the world!
Le Fou