Make an Impact with Vegan Club
When you wear and post Vegan Club, you impact others to join the cause.
Here are some Vegan Club Collaborations for Great Causes:
Help End LGBTQ Youth Homelessness - Agnes Muljadi with Vegan Club - July 2019
Vegan Club would create an art piece and a clothing piece in which a percentage of the profit goes to an animal, a cause, sanctuary, etc. of your choice. Followers would also have the option to directly donate. With a combined audience, we have a better chance of making a difference. Let's utilize and grow each other’s follower count to make a positive impact on the animals.
- Choose an existing design or collaborate on a design.
- Choose a cause that matters to you that you want others to support.
- Photograph you with the item.
- Both Vegan Club and you would post on social media, email, blog/vlog, etc. to spread the message and assist in driving funds to a chosen charity.
- Share with us the next influencer who should join Vegan Club by following the steps above. Rinse and repeat ;)
Our long-term goal is to have weekly or bi-weekly collaborations. The more the merrier for the animals! To collaborate, contact us.
Moby, Kat, Tony, Davey, Doyle, Alissa, Matt, Travis, Jermaine, Joaquin, Toby, Otep, Prayers, Navarro and many more! To our Vegan Warriors: Thank you for all of your support. I am truly humbled. Together we will win this fight!

Shaun, Amy, Ed, James, Marc, Gene, Nathan, Elizabeth, Agnes, Chefito, Miyoko, TK, Rich, Dominick, Leilani, John, Kip and more! So much love to those who are persistent to fight for justice! So lucky to have met you all ... and to all of you activists spending long nights at the vigils. Merci encore!